Tuesday, March 11, 2014


"No! Don't kill it!" I shouted. "Well, what are you going to do with it?" my mom asked. "Keep it as a pet. Pleeeeeeease?" "Riley, no, we are not going to have a pet cockroach on our boat" "But Mom..." "NO!" "Fine, can I at least put it in a jar, and let it go next time we go to shore?" "Ok, Fine."  The family that owned the boat (we were visiting for dinner) was more than happy to send dinner guests home with a cockroach.

I was shocked. My mom was NOT the killing type. Especially when it came to bugs. I wasn't either (except for the occasional ant to magnifying glass trick). My sister, no. But my dad on the other hand, um... Yeah. He wasn't too happy when Wren ran up to him shouting "Daddy! Daddy! Guess what! We have a new pet! He's a cockroach!"

 It took a lot of persuading, 3 melt downs, 4 cheerios, and a lot of cabbage to get my new boat pet  in shape for being one of our family members.  I named him Bob.  Sorry grandpa, the name just fit.

My mom said that cockroaches are just about the worst boat pet you could have, But eventually, she admitted that he was "cute". My dad is still on the "throw him overboard to the sharks" side. Wren and I completely adore him.  I love how he cleans his antennae after every meal.  He feasts on a diet of cabbage and Cheerios. That is the one thing we have a lot of on this boat. We have been in the park for 9 days, so we can't get food until Nassau. We are conserving food.  He lives in a plastic container tipped on its side with food and a toilet paper tube. It's fun to experiment with the foods and to see which ones he loves to eat.

Take lots of pictures of the snow for me!



  1. I/we really ENJOY reading the posts from your family on this incredible journey you are on...keep the posts coming please!! My 10 year old grand daughter LOVES reading them too!!

  2. I can't believe your mom was going to kill him! She is responsible for an infestation of Madagascar Hissing Cockroaches in Old Town, Maine. I guess it's true: challenging situations change people ; ) Throw poor, defenseless Bob a Cheerio from me!

  3. Cheerios to Bob from me, too! And a good description of the inner workings of a world-class wheedler! You're a pro! I love your enthusiasm about everything you encounter on this trip, Riley, right down to the cockroaches...

  4. Hi Riley! Happy St. Patrick's Day! I miss you sooo much.

  5. Bob brings back memories of the cockroach that escaped while I was visiting your Mom in Old Towne. The apple doesn't fall too far from the tree. We have had a tiny beetle infestation all winter, so Uncle Dan and I aren't too fond of your new pet:) You and Wren are great writers, I have been reading them all, even though I just figured out how to blog. I am as good at blogging as your Mom is at tying knots- ha! Love and miss you all, Aunt Wendy
